Negin Farsad, Amy Albert and Beth McGregor present the weekly standup show, Comedy School Dropout. In the grand tradition of East Village alternative rooms, Comedy School Dropout brings top-notch standup comics, the occasional comedy musical act, subversive duo, or extremely talented threesome, to the stage for the cut-rate price of zero dollars!
Comedy School Dropout comedians have been featured on MTV, Comedy Central, IFC, Showtime and most other known network channels. Three weeks worth of kick-ass lineups are below. And yes, the rumors of FREE PIZZA from the East Village’s own Krust are true…very, very true.
April 4 lineup: Chris Distefano (NY comedy festival and Boston Comedy Festival), Koretta Gray (UCB), Colleen Watson (San Francisco-based, Five Funny Females Tour); Jess Gross (UCB)
April 11 lineup: Katie Halper (The Nation, Huffington Post); Miguel Dalmau (NBC Stand Up for Diversity, Time Out NY Joke of the Week); Jeff Cerulli (Sirius radio host, upcoming documentary Hungry); Tony Kelly (Irish Legend, UCB)
April 18 lineup: Ken Shultz (National Lampoon, Boston Comedy Festival); Tyler Gilden (UCB), Brad Hagen (Broadway Comedy Club, Standup NY); Ashley Brooke Roberts (Boston Comedy Festival, Women in Comedy Fest)