Actress / comedian Rhonda "Passion" Hansome, whose background includes appearances on "Saturday Night Live," the film "Pretty Woman" and FX Network's "Louie" hosts a comedy benefit for the nonprofit WorkShop Theater Company (WTC) in Manhattan on Saturday, June 30 at 6:30pm.
The winner of BackStage Bistro's outstanding comedienne award, Hansome, a Brooklyn native, is also a noted off-Broadway director (The Peter Jay Sharp Theater, New Federal Theater) and the recipient of AUDELCO's (Audience Development Committee, Inc.) - Outstanding Pioneer Honor. WorkShop Theater Company specializes in Off-Off Broadway theatre development and performance mission is to provide a creative home for our diverse group of playwrights, directors and actors, to hone their talents and cultivate projects, from inspiration through finished production, while encouraging our audience to partner with us in developing new works. The Company is located on the 4th Floor of 312 W. 36th St. (near 8th Ave). Subways: #1, #2, #3, #7, A, C, E, N, R, Q, W to 34th and/or 42nd Street Station. Admission is $10.00 and for tickets, go to: