On April 14th the OBIE-Award winning theatre company Clubbed Thumb, known for fostering some of our edgiest and most exciting playwrights over the years, announced the astonishing news that they will be awarding a Clubbed Thumb Biennial Commission to a winning playwright in the sum of $15,000. They are now accepting proposals! For applications, submission policies and additional information, please visit www.clubbedthumb.org.
The Clubbed Thumb Biennial Commission was created to encourage the writing of plays that consider the relationships between truth, power, history, and personal responsibility. For each commission, Clubbed Thumb will ask a question or pose a theme to serve as a jumping-off point for this examination. This theme is to be used as inspiration. The result need not be immediately recognizable as a product of the initial examination. The inaugural theme for year 2005-2006 is "Yamashita's Gold."
The winner will receive a $15,000 commission to write and develop a play based upon Clubbed Thumb Biennial Commission Guidelines and the Clubbed Thumb Biennial Commission Description. Playwrights are invited to submit a description and a sample scene of the play they propose to write by July 15th, 2005. Clubbed Thumb will reserve the exclusive right to produce the commissioned work for two years commencing the day the final draft is submitted, but is under no obligation to produce the work.
Clubbed Thumb Biennial Commission Guidelines
* Running time: between 1 hr. and 1:30 hr.
* Intermissionless.
* Must have a reasonable representation of women, both in quantity and quality of roles.
* At least 3 characters - medium sized ensemble casts preferred.
* Clubbed Thumb produces plays that are funny, strange, and provocative. The presence of a sense of humor is strongly encouraged. Please check out www.clubbedthumb.org/history/ to get a feeling for sensibility and a selected chronology.
How to apply
1. Register at www.clubbedthumb.org/BC/register
2. Submit an application packet including
a. Application cover page
b. Letter of intent no more than 500 words
c. Resume
d. 10 page sample scene of the play you propose to write
e. Stamped, self-addressed post card if you want to receive acknowledgement of receipt
Your application should include ONLY the above materials and be mailed to
Clubbed Thumb Biennial Commission 350 Third Avenue #722 New York, NY 10010
This address is only for Biennial Commission applications. Biennial Commission questions can be addressed to BC@clubbedthumb.org. For other correspondence, visit www.clubbedthumb.org/contact or call (212) 802-8007.
Applicants may be contacted and asked to supply completed scripts of other plays they've written, references, or other materials or information.