Teacher and coach Christine O'Leary is an award-winning professional comedienne, social worker, project manager, social media editor, and co-dependent social butterfly whose Comedy Writing Workshop has become so popular that it went into "double sessions", with another Showcase event on Sunday, April 12.
O'Leary's off-the-cuff interactions and improv are the forte of her comedy, and storytelling is her crafted skill. She urges people to attend the Comedy Graduation Showcase "...to see these hysterical newborn comics who had more guts than you did eight weeks ago when they signed up! Comedy is a way to tell the truth."
For tickets ($12), call the box office at The Ridgefield Playhouse, (203) 438-5795. The Ridgefield Playhouse is a not-for-profit performing arts center located at 80 East Ridge, parallel to Main Street, Ridgefield, CT; ridgefieldplayhouse.org.