A Chicago native has launched a photo project and corresponding website that features original photography from a unique perspective. The Crossing Delaware photo project includes a website, crossingdelaware.com, with the goal of donating 20 percent of the proceeds from all art sales in March and April to Chicago area homeless shelters and food pantries.
"I grew up here and I love this city, and when I see the homeless population on the streets I always wonder what I can do to help," said Jessica Rosengard, Crossing Delaware creator. "Buying a cup of coffee for someone or donating clothes is a good start, but I wanted to do more and that's how this campaign came about."
Rosengard's love for her home city is evident in the images she captures, and she knows there are many people like her - whether they still live in Chicago or have moved on to other parts of the world.
"It's the idea that Chicago will always be my home and I have an opportunity to make Chicago a better home for people who are struggling," Rosengard said.
Crossing Delaware features Rosengard's original photography from around Chicago, as well as from her travels to Alaska and London. Rosengard plans to expand her catalog offering through further travels. Her photographs are available for sale on printed and framed acrylic and canvas, metal-printed photography, and individual prints.
Rosengard works with shipping facilities around the world for efficient international delivery of photo art, which also makes great gifts, especially for those who will always have their hearts in Chicago.
About Crossing Delaware
Crossing Delaware is a photography project by Chicago native Jessica Rosengard. Along with her passion for taking photos of nearly anything in her path, Rosengard works on a few ongoing photo projects that are featured on this site. Most of the photos are from places in and around Chicago, as well as Alaska, Seattle, Wash., and London.
As she explores the world, Rosengard plans to expand this collection. She is passionate about photography and continues to work on perfecting her skills. She considers herself an amateur photographer with an eye for the unique, unusual and otherwise hidden treasures in her daily activities. Many of Rosengard's photos are of everyday objects most people pass by without a second glance. Her goal is to take new approaches to color, light and contrast in the hope that people will share her passion and spread the beauty of each unique view. By trade Jessica is an award-winning graphic designer as well as website designer.