No.11 Productions is presenting an invited reading of their interactive musical comedy Quest for the West: Adventures on the Oregon Trail! on May 8 and 9 in midtown Manhattan. Ryan Emmons (Groundhog Day, Matilda, Ghost) directs and Enrico de Trizio (Dear Evan Hanson, Mamma Mia) Music Directs. The cast is John Bambery, Jennifer Blood* (Matilda, A Gentleman's Guide to Love & Murder, Violet), Julie Congress, Steven Conroy* (AMC's Turn), Scott Raymond Johnson* and Danny Tieger* (Matilda).
Join Jebediah and his sister Hope as they put together a wagon party and 'take up stakes' from Independence, Missouri in search of a better life in Oregon. Their perilous journey has them singing across uncharted territory - comically crossing dangerous rivers, hunting buffalo, outsmarting thieves and battling dysentery.
The show itself is a scored game for the audience, as they go hunting, sing in a yodel-off, name characters and make key decisions for the wagon party. Play well and you may just make it onto the Top 10 Score Board!
2,000 miles. 90 minutes. 11 songs. 8 games. 6 characters.