The show will take place on Saturday, August 20, 2022 to be held at the Hilda L. Solis Learning Academy.
Select Cast Members from writer Abel Alvarado's recent hit show, ARENA: A House MUSICAL-al, will be appearing in an Arena Stage Takeover as part of The First Year Anniversary of The Queer Mercado (The Queer Market) outdoors, on Saturday, August 20, 2022 to be held at the Hilda L. Solis Learning Academy, 319 North Humphreys Avenue (at Cesar Chavez Avenue), Los Angeles, CA 90022. Learn more at
The Queer Mercado, a FREE Farmers' Marketplace composed of Queer/LGBTQ+ Creators, Vendors and Artists, presented monthly on the Eastside of Los Angeles by Founder Diana Diaz, is celebrating its First Year Anniversary on Saturday, August 20, 2022 from 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., featuring Live Performances, Drag Performers, DJs, over 100 Food Vendors and Local Artists.
ARENA: A House MUSIC-al was recently presented and produced by CASA 0101 Theater, TNH Productions, El Centro del Pueblo and the Office of Councilmember Gil Cedillo. Select Members of the Cast from the show who will be participating and performing at The Queer Mercado starting at 1:00 p.m. include actors, Preston Gonzalez Valle, Luis Ceja, Milton David, Chrissi Erickson, Amy Melendez and Daniela Hernandez, who will serve as Narrator. The cast members will perform some brief excerpts from the musical.
In addition to the ARENA actors performing at The Queer Mercado, some of the work of Costume Designers for the show, including Jules Bronola, Tony Iniguez, Robert Ortiz of Royal Rubbish, and Bad Burro by Jose Huizar, will also be part of the presentation with a Fashion Show.
The Queer Mercado is the first permanent FREE LGBTQ+ marketplace in Southern California. The event takes place on the third Saturday of each month on the Eastside of Los Angeles. The purpose of the unique space is to uplift, celebrate and support new businesses and talent in and around East Los Angeles through a holistic approach in the marketplace/vendor community. The intention is to create economic opportunities for Queer/LGBTQ+ community members, and specifically those that traditionally have not been afforded the opportunities to activate and elevate their brands, art and innovative ideas.
The Queer Mercado creates a safe space to engage the local community. Vendor fees generated at the Mercado are donated to local high schools to engage youth in job training opportunities. The Mercado helps to foster a welcoming environment for LGBTQ+ community members to ensure that they see themselves represented and celebrated in a supportive and loving community.