Casting for Miller-Coffman Productions "Siren's Den: A New Rock Musical" is complete! The cast stars *Lindsey Lake (Rent Tour) as rockstar, Skylar Cole,
Andrea Leach (Beauty and the Beast Int'l Tour) as Jessie, *
Chris Gleim (Jesus Christ Superstar Tour) as Logan, *Adam R. Kaster (The Golden Bride) as Garrett, and *
Alan Gillespie (Miss Saigon Tour) as Bar Manager/Kurtis Katz. The show's creator,
Rori Nogee (Showgirls, the Musical!) will play Remy Morgan. The Vultures will be played by Lauren Chastain, Jonte Culpepper (Bayside, the Musical!),
Musa Hitomi, Frankie Shin,
Erin Ullman and Corbin Williams (The Grinch Who Stole Christmas).
The creative team includes Dennis Corsi (Director), Ricky Romano (Musical Director), William Bailey (Choreography/Costumes), Nicole Hamilton (Stage Manager), Mitchell Ost (Set Design), Joe D'Emilio (Lighting Design), Ken Coughlin (Sound Design), Frank Perri and Jaden Nogee (Arrangements), producers Stephen Miller and Rori Nogee, and Production Assistant Melanie Magri.
*Denotes member of Actors Equity
Miller-Coffman Productions "Siren's Den: A New Rock Musical" opens Thursday, May 25th, with a preview Wednesday, May 24th. For more information about the show visit