Barbara Carroll, Brandon Cutrell, Natalie Douglas, Phillip Officer and more will perform in The Third Hamptons Festival of American Cabaret, taking place at the John Drew Theatre at Guild Hall in East Hampton from July 21st through 22nd.
On July 21st at 8 PM, Carroll, Anna Bergman, Eric Comstock, Barbara Fasano, Laurel Massé, Craig Rubano, Jennifer Sheehan, Avery Sommers, Lumiri Tubo and Ronny White will take the stage to perform classics from the Great American Songbook.Cutrell, Douglas, Officer, Sammy Goldstein, Valerie Lemon, Richard Malavet, Rosalyn McClore, Beckie Menzie, Tom Michael, Sidney Myer, and Georga Osborne will follow on July 22nd at 8 PM.The two evenings will be presented by Guild Hall and the Mabel Mercer Foundation. Guild Hall is located at 158 Main Street in East Hampton, NY. Tickets are $40, $75 and $100; call (631) 324-4050 or visit