Happy Sunshine Kung Fu Flower, written and directed by Matthew-Lee Erlbach, will continue with a new show later this month.
Produced by Jesse Raynes and Praxis Productions, the show will feature Lynn Andrews, Heath Calvert (Good Vibrations), Colette Hawley (Avenue X), Brooke Ishibashi, Vince Madero, Stephen Reyes and Stephen Sheffer. It will be presented on May 20th at 7:30 PM at Lotus (409 W. 14 St.; between 9th/10th Avenues). The event is sponsored by The Onion, "America's Finest News Source."
"In this multimedia comedy, follow a group of outsourced ninjas hired by China as they infiltrate the American Media, Politics, and Pop Culture," state press materials.Visit www.smarttix.com for tickets and www.kungfuflower.com for more information.