Starting a year and half ago Joseph John Productions starting producing cabaret shows to benefit Broadway Cares. Produced by Joseph Macchia a Broadway Cares volunteer Joseph would use his struggling actor friends to put on shows. Joseph would produce the shows at the Hideaway Room at Helen's. The owners of Helen's, Colm Reilly and Shane Mathews also own Raise The Bar Productions and decided to merge together to raise money for Broadway Cares. To date Joseph John Productions has raised over $17,500 for Broadway Cares. All Cover charges from the show will be donated right to Broadway Cares.
Cabaret Cares kicks off August 8th at 8pm. Shows will run every Monday through the winter Call Helen's For Cover Charge for show. The Hideaway room at Helen's is located at 169 Eighth Avenue. There is a Cover charge and $15 food/drink minimum for each show and Credit Cards and Cash are accepted.
Confirmed Performances
Cast members of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang September 12th
Rena Strober September 19th
Cast members of Sweet Charity September 26th