If you're tired of national politics and the Hillary/Trump race---here is a great way to spend Election Day---after you've already voted.
Joey Novick is not your ordinary stand-up comedian. Yup---he's performed at Catch A Rising Star, Comedy Cellar, and Dangerfield's and appears on television and in commercials. He's trained with Improv Guru Del Close and improv-jammed with Robin Williams.
And he's also gotten elected to the town council in Flemington, NJ---as the only liberal Democrat, in a very conservative Republican town----where he applied the rules of improv to politics.
Flemington is the place where the Lindbergh Baby Trial took place in 1935---'The Trial of the Century". Historic Flemington was also just featured in a recent New York Times story.
Joey is telling the story of his election and 15-year career in New Jersey politics in "Comedian Elected to Town Council in New Jersey" Tuesday, November 8th, at 9pm at the United Solo Festival Theatre Row: 410 West 42nd Street, New York City.
"I had no idea what I was doing when I first started," Joey noted. "I applied the rules of improv, stuck with 'Yes, and...', and listened to all my constituents like a good improv actor--and got re-elected over and over again."
The local Republicans tried a "Just Say Noey to Joey" campaign to defeat him----calling him a 'failed stand-up comedian' just looking to get attention by getting elected.
"My mother, Pearl, said, 'You're a liberal Jew from New York----and that's what these politicians attack you on---being a comedian?'. My dad, Bernie, had somewhat a different take: "They're attacking you for being a comedian? Maybe you shouldn't have let them see your act.' ", Joey shared.
Through it all, Joey got to meet President Obama, New Jersey Senator Cory Booker, and dozens of other elected officials.
"The night I won my first election, my dad asked me how much the Councilman job paid: 'I think about 4500 dollars', I said.
He asked me, 'Is any of that off the books?' ". Maybe ----after all, it is New Jersey.
2016 United Solo, the world's largest solo theatre festival, currently in its 7th year, will present 120 shows from six continents at Theatre Row: 410 West 42nd Street, New York City. TICKETS, with a price of $20.25 (which includes a $2.25 theatre restoration charge) are available at Theatre Row box office, 410 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036, as well as over the phone at 212.239.6200 and online at telecharge.com. More details can be found at www.unitedsolo.org