The Tale of Chef Kale is an immersive and interactive show of the adventures of a fictional character named Kale; a young girl who has an afro made partly of kale and a tremendous story to tell. Kale invites audiences of elementary school ages and families to explore wellness, self-care, identity, and develop a relationship with their food and digestive systems! The show also includes samples of Kale's recipes made only of fresh fruits and vegetables for everyone to taste!
The show will be presented at the United Solo Theater Festival at 3:30pm on November 2nd, 2016. Purchase tickets at For detailed instructions on how to purchase, visit
2016 United Solo, the world's largest solo theatre festival, currently in its 7th year, will present 120 shows from six continents at Theatre Row: 410 West 42nd Street, New York City. TICKETS, with a price of $20.25 (which includes a $2.25 theatre restoration charge) are available at Theatre Row box office, 410 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036, as well as over the phone at 212.239.6200 and online at More details can be found at