The Joyce Theater Foundation (Linda Shelton, Executive Director) will bring dance from the plains of Argentina to the New York City stage this winter with Che Malambo. This foot-stomping, show-stopping South American company will play The Joyce Theater from February 11-16. Tickets, ranging in price from $10-$55, can be purchased at, or by calling JoyceCharge at 212-242-0800. Please note: ticket prices are subject to change. The Joyce Theater is located at 175 Eighth Avenue at West 19th Street. For more information, please visit
Based in the rich Argentinian traditions of the gaucho, or South American cowboy, Che Malambo storms New York with an exhilarating performance to close out The Joyce's Fall '19/Winter '20 season. Developed during the 17th century as a means for gauchos to prove their prowess and vigor, the percussive dance known as Malambo is based in passion and power. Founder and choreographer Gilles Brinas carries on this rich Argentine tradition of masculine dance competition with the thrilling spectacle of Che Malambo. Through fleet-footed choreography and electrifying live percussion, the company of twelve dancers brings to life a centuries-old art form in breathtaking fashion, perfect for the entire family.
Che Malambo is a powerhouse all-male Argentinian dance company, exciting audience with their percussive dance and music spectacle. Malambo, a dynamic blend of precision footwork, rhythmic stomping, drumming, and song, is at the heart of the gaucho (South American cowboy) tradition and is now thrilling audiences around the world with this new production created by renowned choreographer Gilles Brinas. The Paris-based Brinas first learned about Malambo while researching traditional dances. He soon fell under its spell and travelled to the Pampas region of Argentina to engage with the gaucho and further his exploration of their traditions. Inspired by the dance and the talent of its exponents, Brinas created Che Malambo so as to share this powerful, passionate form with international audiences. Malambo began in the 17th century as competitive duels that tested skills of agility, strength, and dexterity among the gaucho. It soon evolved to include its hallmark, zapateo, the fast-paced footwork inspired by the rhythm of galloping horses. In addition to zapateo, Malambo features the drumming of traditional Argentine bombos and whirling boleadoras, a throwing weapon made up of intertwined cords and weighted with stones. Since its premiere in Paris in 2007, Che Malambo has performed around the world, including a highly successful 32-city world tour in the 2015/16 season.
The Joyce Theater presents Che Malambo from February 11-16. The performance schedule is as follows: Tuesday and Wednesday at 7:30pm; Thursday, Friday at 8pm; Saturday at 2pm & 8pm; and Sunday at 2pm. A Curtain Chat, a free post-performance talkback with members of the company, will take place on Wednesday, February 12. The Saturday, February 15 performance at 2pm is part of the Family Performance Series, with tickets available for kids for only $10.Tickets, ranging in price from $10-$55, can be purchased at, or by calling JoyceCharge at 212-242-0800. Please note: ticket prices are subject to change. The Joyce Theater is located at 175 Eighth Avenue at West 19th Street. For more information, please visit