CAPA is in the process of purchasing the Central Presbyterian Church at 132 South Third Street between State and Town Streets in downtown Columbus. Built in 1857 (with an east addition built in 1926), the building is a historical landmark registered with the National Register of Historic Places and the oldest building to ever be under CAPA's care.
Similar to the handling of the historic Southern Theatre, which was gifted to CAPA in 1986 but not reopened until 1998, there are no immediate plans for use or major renovation. Steward for several historic buildings downtown including the Ohio Theatre, Palace Theatre, Southern Theatre, and Lincoln Theatre, CAPA will maintain the historic church, and over time, evaluate the property to see how it can best be used to benefit the community.
"We are thrilled to have the opportunity to be the caretaker of such a stunning and important building in the history of this city," stated Bill Conner, CAPA President and CEO. "CAPA has successfully maintained historic buildings in downtown Columbus for more than 40 years, and over time, will develop a plan and purpose for the property which honors its history of service to others."