The Brooklyn Heights Comedy Nights! (BHCN) is a monthly stand-up show @ The Vineapple Cafe featuring local comedians, big-time headliners, foreign nationals and everything in between.
A new year of laughs continues on Thursday, March 21st @ 8:30pm with co-hosts Shelly Colman (2014 Newcomer National Grand Champion Ladies of Laughter Competition), Alex Fosella ("Modern Day Philosophers" podcast) and performers: Vladimir Colas, [Harlem Nights Comedy]; Derek Humphrey, [StandUp NY]; Marcela Onyango, [Black Women in Comedy Festival] and Brandy Thomas [Last Call Comedy Showcase]. Performers subject to change.
No cover, no minimum - food and beverages are available. Vineapple Café is located at 71 Pineapple Street (between Hicks St & Henry Street) in Brooklyn. Take the # 2 or #3 subway to Clark Street.
For BHCN info, call (347) 799-1701 or connect on Facebook @BrooklynHeightsComedyNights or e-mail: For more Shelly information, contact: or 718-309-7153.