Jim Brochu's Zero Hour, a one-man show about the life of the late Zero Mostel, is eyeing a Broadway run for next season, according to press materials.
The show is currently up for three L.A. Stage Ovation Awards, for Best Actor in a Play, Best Playwright and Best World Premiere Play.
Zero Hour is an autobiographical tribute to Mostel, the immense funnyman who overcame blacklisting in the 1950's to memorably star in A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum and The Producers. Brochu also recently received the L.A. Stage Ovation Best Musical Award for The Big Voice: God or Merman?, which he co-wrote and starred in with Steve Schalchlin.
Zero Hour will open at the Stages Repertory Theatre in Houston, Texas, previewing April 18-19 and running through May 13. Tickets are available by visiting stagestheatre.com. For more information on Zero Hour, visit zerohourshow.com.