A $35 rush policy will be launched on Tuesday, June 9th when Tony Award-winning actor Jason Alexander assumes the role of Norman Drexel in Larry David's hit comedy Fish In the Dark, directed by Anna D. Shapiro, at the Cort Theatre (138 West 48th Street). A limited number of rush tickets will be available the day of the performance at the box office of the Cort Theatre. The $35 rush tickets will be limited to 2 per person and will be available when the box office opens.
Fish In the Dark, a comedy about a death in the family, also stars Glenne Headly, Rosie Perez, Jayne Houdyshell, Ben Shenkman, Lewis J. Stadlen, Jake Cannavale, Marylouise Burke, Jerry Adler, Jenn Lyon, Jonny Orsini, Molly Ranson, Maria Elena Ramirez, Rachel Resheff, Joel Rooks, Jeff Still, Kenneth Tigar, and Richard Topol. The production began performances on Monday, February 2 at the Cort Theatre, and opened on Thursday March 5. Fish In the Dark will play a limited engagement through Saturday, June 18.
Beginning June 9 Fish In the Dark will be performed Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 7pm, and Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays at 2pm and 8pm. Please note: the Tuesday, June 9 performance will begin at 8pm.