Voting is now underway for Madison! We have a record number of votes in already, but if you haven't voted yet, click here to vote! If you have voted already, tell your friends.
Here are the current standings for Madison:
Best Actor in a Musical
John Jajewski - Les Miserables - Four Seasons Theatre 30%
Jace Nichols - Les Miserables - Four Seasons Theatre 18%
Quinn Elmer - Space Voyage: The Musical Frontier - InterMission Theatre 18%
Eric Moore - Les Miserables - Four Seasons Theatre 12%
Best Actor in a Play
Whitney Derendinger - Pounding Nails into the Floor with my Forehead - Mercury Players 38%
Jim Stauffer - Dancing at Lughnasa - University of Wisconsin 34%
Daniel Millhouse - Dancing at Lughnasa - University of Wisconsin 28%
Best Actress in a Musical
Sierra Nibbe - Les Miserables - Four Seasons Theatre 27%
Kailey Boyle - Anne of Green Gables - Children's Theater of Madison 21%
Kate Mann - Space Voyage: The Musical Frontier - InterMission Theatre 12%
Lauren Van Vreede - Space Voyage: The Musical Frontier - Bartell Theatre 10%
Best Actress in a Play
Kate Mann - Dancing at Lughnasa - University of Wisconsin 35%
Eva Nimmer - Cloud 9 - University of Wisconsin 34%
Hannah Ripp-Dieter - Dancing at Lughnasa - University of Wisconsin 31%
Best Collegiate Production
Space Voyage: The Musical Frontier - InterMission Theatre (UW-Madison) 68%
The Cradle Will Rock - University of Wisconsin 18%
Cloud 9 - University of Wisconsin 14%
Best Costume Design
Susan Gustaf - Les Miserables - Four Seasons Theatre 70%
Ravenworks - Nevermore - Music Theatre of Madison 30%
Best Director of a Musical
Brian Cowing - Les Mierables - Four Seasons Theatre 33%
Amanda Connors - Space Voyage: The Musical Frontier - InterMission Theatre 26%
Jess Lanius - Anne of Green Gables - Children's Theatre of Madison 20%
Meghan Randolph - Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson - Music Theatre of Madison 13%
Best Director of a Play
Patricia Boyette - Dancing at Lughnasa - University of Wisconsin 100%
Best Musical
Les Miserables - Middleton Players Theatre 31%
Space Voyage: The Musical Frontier - Bartell Theatre 27%
Anne of Green Gables - Children's Theatre of Madison 15%
Elegies for Angels, Punks and Raging Queens - Music Theatre of Madison 12%
Best Play
Dancing at Lughnasa - University of Wisconsin 63%
Cloud 9 - University of Wisconsin 37%
Best Scenic Design
Anne Of Green Gables - Children's Theatre of Madison 37%
Bethany Reinfeld - Space Voyage: The Musical Frontier - Bartell Theatre 32%
Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson - Music Theatre of Madison 20%
Joe Vargo - Dancing at Lughnasa - University of Wisconsin 12%
Theatre of the Year
Four Seasons Theatre 44%
InterMIssion Theatre 22%
Music Theatre of Madison 15%
Children's Theatre Madison 9%
Young Outstanding Performers (College/High School Age)
Joel Roberts - She Loves Me - Four Seasons Theatre 15%
Elizabeth Snellings - Elegies for Angels, Punks and Raging Queens - Music Theatre of Madison 13%
Kailey Boyle - Anne of Green Gables - Children's Theatre of Madison 12%
Sheridan Hearn - Les Miserables - Middleton Players Theatre 11%