BROADWAY SESSIONS is described as an evening of musical performances, games and open mic featuring a new Broadway guest each week. The show is created and hosted by Ben Cameron (Bway Wicked, Aida and Footloose) and features musical director Joshua Stephen Kartes on piano.
This Thursday, August 2nd, Broadway Sessions welcomes cast members from the hit Broadway revival of Evita.
- Cast members scheduled to perform include Daniel Torres, Rachel Potter, Melanie Field, Sydney Morton, Emily Mechler, Laurel Harris and Colin Cunliffe.
-The evening will also feature performances by singer Douglas Carpenter
-Open Mic party follows the show til 2 am featuring special guest musical director Jon Balcourt.
Broadway Sessions takes place every Thursday evening at The Laurie Beechman Theater inside The West Bank Café located at 407 West 42nd Street (corner of 42nd Street and 9th Avenue). 212-695-6909. Doors open at 10:30 pm with showtime at 11pm and musical theater open mic party goes til 2 am. $5 drink specials all night. $5 cover includes a donation to Broadway Cares/Equity Fights Aids. For more information, visit