The installation will be at Abrons Arts Center May 24th to June 5th.
Bridges4Life and Smear Campaign have announced their collaboration on Bridges4Life: An Audio Installation, to be presented at Abrons Arts Center's Charles E. Culpeper Gallery from May 24th until June 5th. This audio installation features the voices and of the Trans and Gender Non-Conforming Sex Work community, blending their thoughts and stories into an interactive experience for the visitor. This installation is free of charge to attend.
The Culpeper Gallery will be open to the public on 10am to 9pm, Mondays through Saturdays. Abrons Arts Center is at 466 Grand St, New York, NY 10002, at the intersection of Grand Street and Pitt Street. All visitors should enter and check in at the front desk of Abrons Arts Center, at 466 Grand Street. The Culpeper Gallery is behind the front desk. Opening night details will be released soon.
Founded by Tahtianna Fermin and based in Hackensack, New Jersey, Bridges4Life is an organization built on helping the Transgender Non-Conforming Community; by providing services to children in the foster care system, young adults, and surviving sex workers. Tahtianna is also a member of The National LGBTQ Workers Center's NYC chapter, serving on the Center's National Board as its New York Liaison. A community activist since 2008, Tahtianna has been a Community Follow-Up Worker (CFW) at Housing Works Inc., a recovery coach and patient navigator at The Alliance For Positive Change, amongst other initiatives, as well as speaking at the Presidential debate in 2008 for Barack Obama.
Smear Campaign is a queer interdisciplinary multi-media collective consisting of first-year Performance and Interactive Media Arts MFA Students.
Learn more at Full versions of the interviews used in the making of this piece will be available via the Bridges4Life Patreon at For directions to Abrons Arts Center, please visit