The Broadway-bound musical is based on the true story of Christine Collins, who's son mysterious disappeared in 1920's Los Angeles. Her story gained media attention at the height of police corruption in the city.
THE COLLINS BOY will have a free concert presentation at the Metro Baptist Church tonight at 7pm.
The all-star cast includes Anthony Galde (Wicked), Melissa Charles, Grayson Reed, Brad Bass, Austin Bowen, Jacob Estes, Michael Uzzi, Breyona Coleman, Kealan Oliver, Alix Bond, Lily Womble, Natalie Chernicoff, Alison Streeter, Chelsea Fuller Brown, Cherie Kaufman, Anthony Logan Cole, Payton Pritchett, Shannon Rowland, Andrew Holder, Justin Bulla, Chris McNiff, Nate Klingenberg, Tym Moss, Claudio Pestana Aguiar, and Angelo McDonough.Videos