Bob Mackie, the legendary fashion icon who has been hailed as the Sultan of Sequins and the Rajah of Rhinestones for his sparkling, visually stunning and imaginative costume designs, will be honored with the Inaugural Fashion Arts Charlie Award by the Hollywood Arts Council at their Black-Tie 30th Anniversary Gala and 22nd Annual Charlie Awards, emceed by KABC's George Pennachio, to be held at the Jim Henson Studios, the site of the original Charlie Chaplin Studios and home of the world-famous Muppets; 1416 North LaBrea Avenue (south of Sunset Boulevard and De Longpre Avenue); Hollywood, CA 90028 on Saturday, March 29, 2008. Mackie's Award will be presented by Golden Globe-nominated actress, Mitzi Gaynor. The event will be dedicated to the late Honorary Mayor of Hollywood, Johnny Grant.
Bob Mackie has won nine Emmy Awards from over 30 nominations and he has been nominated for three Academy Awards.
Bob Mackie, the American fashion designer, is best known for his costumes for Cher and for
The Carol Burnett Show. Mackie has his own fashion line, and a plethora of celebrities have worn his outfits, including:
Carol Burnett, Cher,
Barbra Streisand,
Liza Minnelli,
Lucille Ball,
Mitzi Gaynor,
Bernadette Peters, Madonna, Judy Garland,
Diana Ross,
Diahann Carroll,
Elton John,
Oprah Winfrey,
Bette Midler, Tina Turner, RuPaul,
Whoopi Goldberg,
Carol Channing and
Anjelica Huston, to name a few.
Other 2008 Charlie Awards to be presented include: Joe Pytka/Historic Lloyd Wright Residence (Architectural Arts Charlie Award); The Blank Theatre Company at 2nd Stage (Theatre Arts Charlie Award); Community Redevelopment Agency (Public Art Charlie Award); Iron Mountain (Preservation Arts Charlie Award); Cinefamily/Silent Movie Theatre (Cinematic Arts Charlie Award); Nyla Arslanian (Community Arts Charlie Award) and Councilmember Tom LaBonge (Special Recognition Charlie Award).
A Celebrity and VIP Reception with Hosted Cocktails and Silent Auction will commence at the Jim Henson Studios at 6:30 p.m., followed by Dinner and the Program at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $175 for the Black-Tie Gala Red Carpet Event. For reservations, please call323-871-ARTS (2787). For further information, please call 323-462-2355 and visit the website Hosted Valet Parking is provided.
Since its founding in 1978, the Hollywood Arts Council, a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization, has evolved into an action oriented organization working for the benefit of the Hollywood community through the arts. Strongly linked to the Council's purpose to promote, nurture and support the arts is the belief that the arts revitalize people as well as communities. Since 2000, Project SOAR (Students Overcoming Risks), the Council's after school art program has grown significantly. The Council now conducts workshops in eight Hollywood area elementary schools serving over 2,000 each year. The Council also sponsors the annual Children's Festival of the Arts at Paramount Pictures, and promotes the arts through a daily arts calendar published in "Discover Hollywood" magazine and on its website