Universal Pictures Stage Productions, Working Title Films, Old Vic Productions and NETworks Presentations, LLC announced today that Ben Cook and Noah Parets will join the national touring cast of the 10-time Tony Award-winning BILLY ELLIOT the Musical, in the role of 'Billy.' Cook and Parets will become the 10th and 11th young actors to perform as 'Billy' in the national tour; their debuts will also mark the 65th and 66th boys to play 'Billy' on stage worldwide and the 26th and 27th boys to play 'Billy' in North America since the show opened on Broadway. Their first performance dates will be announced soon.
Cook previously played the role of 'Tall Boy' and understudied the role of 'Michael' in BILLY ELLIOT on Broadway, and the roles of 'Michael' and 'Tall Boy/Posh Boy' on the national tour of BILLY ELLIOT.
Ben Cook (Billy). National Tour: BILLY ELLIOT (Michael). Broadway: BILLY ELLIOT (Tall Boy, u/s Michael); RAGTIME (Little Boy). Regional: RAGTIME and GOLDEN AGE, Kennedy Center; Macbeth, Folger Theatre; HEAVENS ARE HUNG IN BLACK and A CHRISTMAS CAROL, Ford's Theatre. TV: 30 ROCK (Young Jack).
Thanks to Mom, Dad, Emma, Kate, Nick, CESD, Linda Townsend Mgmt.
Parets is making his professional theatre debut and has been training for the role since joining the touring company in April.
NOAH PARETS (Billy), 13, hails from Massachusetts and started dancing at age 7. He studied ballet, tap, jazz, and modern at The Gold School, Brockton, Ma, where he danced with Project Moves Dance Company. Noah has received many accolades including American Dance Awards' Junior Male Dancer of the Year 2011. Joining Billy Elliot is a dream come true! Love and thanks to Mom, Dad, Joel, Ethan, Jacob, Rennie, all my teachers, family and friends. Forever grateful!
Photo Credit: Kevin Thomas Garcia