Baby Jane Dexter's latest show, "You're Following Me!" which premiered in February at The Metropolitan Room, 34 West 22nd Street, returns in December for an exclusive holiday engagement - three consecutive Saturdays, December 15, 22 and 29, all at 7:30PM. The cover charge is $25.
Dipping into a savory soup of styles - pop, jazz, R&B and the great American songbook - Baby Jane indulges us with an eclectic musical program that includes songs by Rogers and Hammerstein, Arlen, Bricusse, Johnny Mercer, Ray Noble, Leiber and Stoller, Leon Russell, Lennon & McCartney, and more. The icing on the cake are her highly personal and irreverent ruminations on the highs and lows of some of the world's most popular (and some would say over-rated) addictions.
Once again Baby Jane is buoyed by a three-piece combo led by Ross Patterson.
The Metropolitan Room, 34 West 22nd Street, is New York's most talked-about new intimate concert venue. For reservations call 212/206-0440. For more information visit