Finding Neverland, the enchanting Broadway musical set to soar on tour this fall, just began rehearsals under the visionary direction of Tony Award-winnerDiane Paulus. The cast is led by Kevin Kern (Bridges of Madison County, Wicked) and Christine Dwyer (Wicked, Rent), with Tom Hewitt (Jesus Christ Superstar, Chicago), Joanna Glushak (A Gentleman's Guide to Love & Murder, After the Night and the Music), Jordan Cole, Finn Faulconer, Ben Krieger, Jacob Morrell, Gregory Trechel, and Mitchell Wray.
Performances of Finding Neverland begin in Buffalo, NY on October 7th, followed by an official opening night slated for Tuesday, October 11th.
Below, go inside rehearsals with the new cast as they prepare to launch the tour!