The Broadway revival of The Glass Menagerie, starring Cherry Jones, Zachary Quinto, Celia Keenan-Bolger and Brian J. Smith, just celebrated Daylight Savings Time in a very appropriate way. The show reminded fans to fall back on Saturday night with a video featuring a line from Tom's opening monologue- "To begin with, I turn back time ..."
Check out the special video!
From director John Tiffany and the Tony Award-winning team behind Once comes a spell-binding new production of Tennessee Williams' masterpiece The Glass Menagerie. Amanda Wingfield (Cherry Jones) is a southern belle past her prime, living with two grown children in a small apartment in St. Louis. Amanda dreams of a better life for her shy and crippled daughter Laura (Celia Keenan-Bolger), and so she pushes her son Tom (Zachary Quinto) to find a "gentleman caller" for the girl. However, the arrival of the gentleman caller (Brian J. Smith) sends shockwaves through the family, and causes cracks to form in the delicate fantasies that have kept them going. A beautiful play full of poetry and longing, The Glass Menagerie makes its triumphant return to Broadway in an exquisite and groundbreaking new production.
The American Repertory Theater's production of Tennessee Williams's The Glass Menagerie is presented on Broadway by Jeffrey Richards, John N. Hart Jr., Jerry Frankel, Lou Spisto / Lucky VIII,INFINITY Stages, Scott M. Delman, JAM Theatricals, Mauro Taylor, Rebecca Gold, Michael Palitz, Charles E. Stone, Will Trice, and GFOUR Productions.