The cast and creative team of the first New York revival of the acclaimed Off-Broadway classic musical, Closer Than Ever, including multi Tony, Academy, and Grammy Award-winners Richard Maltby, Jr. and David Shire, 2012 Kleban Award-winner musical director, Andrew Gerle, and Broadway veterans Jenn Colella, George Dvorsky, Tony nominee Christiane Noll, and Sal Viviano, met the press today.
The production features direction of Mr. Maltby, with music direction by Andrew Gerle. The show first premiered in 1989. An intimate musical about love, friendship, security, happiness – and holding onto those essentials in a world that pulls us in a hundred directions at once – Closer Than Ever at the York is the homecoming of an Off-Broadway classic.
Performances begin Tuesday, June 5, 2012 for a limited run through July 14, 2012 at The York Theatre at Saint Peter’s Opening Night is Wednesday, June 20, 2012 at 8:00 p.m.
BroadwayWorld was on hand for the performance preview and brings you a very first sneak peek below!