The RENT 20th Anniversary Tour, the Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award-winning landmark rock musical written by Jonathan Larson, will be led by Danny Kornfeld as "Mark Cohen," Kaleb Wells as "Roger Davis," Skyler Volpe as "Mimi Marquez," AaRon Harrington as "Tom Collins," David Merino as "Angel Dumott Schunard," Katie LaMark as "Maureen Johnson," Jasmine Easler as "Joanne Jefferson, and Christian Thompson as "Benny Coffin III."
The tour will also feature John Devereaux, Bryson Bruce, Tim Ehrlich, Sammy Ferber, Paola Hernandez, Alia Hodge, Natalie Lipin, Jordan Long, Michael McClure, Timothy McNeill, Futaba Shioda, and Alexis Louise Young.
Need a little more RENT in your Thursday? Below, go inside the rehearsal room to check out a sneak peek with the cast!