Tinsley Mortimer, Sara Gore, Wendy Diamond, Nicole Lapin, Carl Quintanilla, Real Housewives Sonja Tremont Morgan, Ramona Singer, Dina Manzo, and their dogs launched Puppy Love at Yappy Hour® to promote what can come from true, unbridled puppy love! Wendy Diamond, Tinsley Mortimer, Sara Gore, Nicole Lapin, Carl Quintanilla and their adorable dogs celebrated Yappy Hour®! The premiere cocktail benefit for people looking for true puppy love with a man, woman, or couples looking to adopt a rescue dog in need of a loving home. Yappy Hour® is a caninelicious benefit where everyone can bring their favorite furry friends along for a barking good time! It's the only place where pet parents can celebrate with their animals, raise money for animal rescue, and everyone goes home with their tails wagging.