From the minds of Chicago co-stars Jason Patrick Sands and Brian O'Brien comes the new Broadway web comedy series "COVERS." Directed by Tyler Maynard, "COVERS" is a heightened-reality, character-driven "mockudramedy" that follows the story of two competing understudies and the surrounding company of the long-running Broadway musical Chicago. BroadwayWorld is excited to bring you Episode 2 below (click here to watch Episode 1). Be sure to check back on Monday, August 25 for Episode 3!
Watch Chicago cast members Brian O'Brien and Jason Patrick Sands as they cope with an endless array of eccentric backstage personalities, celebrity egos and showbiz insanity -- all while trying to get ahead, despite being completely unknown and generally under-appreciated.
In a tone similar to "The Office," "COVERS" gives a backstage peek into the seemingly glamorous world of Broadway from the point of view of two understudies -- or "covers" -- for the show's celebrated leading man. Sexy, smart and silly, "COVERS" paints a rarely seen, honest and hilarious depiction of what it means to be in a long-running Broadway show, all while trying to "make it" as an actor while balancing the realities of life in show business. Because after all, dreams do come true... until it's not up to you.
The first four episodes of "COVERS" will air exclusively on in the coming days (Episode 3- 8/25, Episode 4- 8/28). The remaining episodes of Season One are now in production. Sands and O'Brien have launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds for the completion of the first season: