The longest-running show in Broadway history, Andrew Lloyd Webber's THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA today celebrates its 25th Anniversary and continues to play at The Majestic Theatre (247 West 44th Street), with no end in sight. Back in 2009, we brought you a behind the scenes look with 'PHANTOM' makeup supervisor extraordinaire Thelma Pollard as she gave us an all access pass on what it takes to bring the iconic Phantom of the Opera character to life eight times a week! In the video, you get a front row seat as she transforms John Cudia into "The Phantom" right before your eyes.
Check it out below!
On Broadway, since its debut on January 26, 1988, The Phantom of the Opera has grossed over $888 million. Even now - as it celebrates its 25th Anniversary on Broadway - it is consistently among Broadway's highest-grossing shows and remains a box office champ. Earlier this year, the production shattered the house record at The Majestic by having its best weekly gross in its entire 25-year history.