Walt Disney Animation Studios presents the musical THE PRINCESS AND THE FROG, an animated comedy that provides a modern twist on a classic tale, featuring a beautiful girl named Tiana, a frog prince who desperately wants to be human again. BWW TV is proud to bring you the newest trailer for the upcoming film.
Disney's "PRINCESS," will open exclusively in New York and Los Angeles on Nov. 25th. The upcoming film will be set in New Orleans and feature the Walt Disney Studio's first black princess.
Oprah Winfrey stars as Eudora, the mother to Princess Tiana voiced by stage and screen star Anika Noni Rose. The film also stars such stage (and movie) greats as John Goodman, Jenifer Lewis, Keith David, Michael-Leon Wooley and Peter Bartlett. Broadway favorite Jen Cody is also in the film as well, voicing Charlotte LaBouff.
The movie is written and directed by John Musker and Ron Clements and features the music of Randy Newman, who wrote 6 new songs for the film.
A musical set in the legendary birthplace of jazz -- New Orleans -- "The Princess and the Frog" will introduce the newest Disney princess, Tiana, a young African-American girl living amid the charming elegance and grandeur of the fabled French Quarter. From the heart of Louisiana's mystical bayous and the banks of the mighty Mississippi comes an unforgettable tale of love, enchantment and discovery with a soulful singing crocodile, voodoo spells and Cajun charm at every turn.