War Horse is a thrilling and spectacular production based on the celebrated novel by Michael Morpurgo. The First World War is the backdrop for this tale of bravery, loyalty, and the extraordinary bond between a young recruit and his horse. Actors, working with astonishing life-sized puppets by the internationally renowned Handspring Puppet Company, take audiences on an unforgettable journey through history. War Horse at The Vivian Beaumont Theatre at Lincoln Center opens on April 14th. Click below for a performance preview of this epic production.
War Horse premiered at the National Theatre in November 2007. After two sold-out runs, it moved to London's West End in March 2009 where it continues to play to capacity houses at the New London Theatre. This American premiere reunites the production's acclaimed London creative team, with an all American cast. War Horse on Broadway is produced by The Lincoln Center Theatre, The National Theatre of Great Britain in association with Bob Boyett, Handspring Puppet Company and War Horse LP (a group of leading Broadway producers).
For more information on War Horse see www.warhorseonbroadway.com.