The long-awaited Broadway debut of August Wilson's Jitney, directed by Tony Award winner Ruben Santiago-Hudson (The Piano Lesson, Seven Guitars, Gem of the Ocean), opened Thursday night at MTC's Samuel J. Friedman Theatre (261 West 47th Street). This production completes August Wilson's ten-play The American Century Cycle on Broadway.
Only one of the ten plays in two-time Pulitzer Prize winner August Wilson's masterful The American Century Cycle has never been seen on Broadway - until now. Set in the 1970s, this richly textured piece follows a group of men trying to eke out a living by driving unlicensed cabs, or Jitneys. When the city threatens to board up the business and the boss' son returns from prison, tempers flare, potent secrets are revealed and the fragile threads binding these people together may come undone at last. MTC has a long history of co-producing works by this legendary playwright (King Hedley II, Seven Guitars and Piano Lesson) and is proud to produce this Broadway debut. Directing is Ruben Santiago-Hudson.
BroadwayWorld is taking you inside the joyous opening night below!