Directed by Trip Cullman (Significant Other, Yen), the revival of John Guare's critically acclaimed play Six Degrees of Separation will begin previews Wednesday, April 5 prior to the official opening on Tuesday, April 25, 2017 at the Barrymore Theatre. The production will play a 15-week run through Sunday, July 16.
Inspired by a true story, the play follows the trail of a young con man, Paul (Hawkins), who insinuates himself into the lives of a wealthy New York couple, Ouisa and Flan Kittredge (Janney and Hickey), saying he knows their son at college. Claiming he's the son of actor Sidney Poitier, Paul tells them he has just been mugged and all his money is gone. Captivated by Paul's intelligence (and the possibility of appearing in his father's new movie), the Kittredges invite him to stay overnight. After finding him in bed with a hustler (Cusati-Moyer), their picture of Paul changes, and Ouisa and Flan turn detective trying to piece together the connections that gave him access to their lives. Meanwhile, Paul's cons unexpectedly lead him into darker territory as his lies begin to catch up with him.
The company just met the press, and we're taking you inside the special day!