The longest-running show in Broadway history, the Cameron Mackintosh/The Really Useful Group production of Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera, directed by Harold Prince, reached another unprecedented milestone when it celebrated its Twenty-Eighth Anniversary last night, Tuesday, January 26, 2016. This marked performance #11,649 at The Majestic Theatre (247 West 44th Street). BroadwayWorld was there for the special occasion and you can go behind the scenes with the cast below!
In its 28 Years, the New York production has played over 11,600 performances to nearly 17 million people. One of the most successful stage productions of all-time, PHANTOM's astounding longevity in New York and around the world is unprecedented.
PHANTOM currently stars James Barbour (The Phantom), Julia Udine (Christine) and Jeremy Hays(Raoul) and co-stars Greg Mills (Monsieur André), Craig Bennett (Monsieur André), Michele McConnell (Carlotta), Ellen Harvey (Madame Giry), Christian Šebek (Piangi) and Kara Klein (Meg Giry).