Someone is killing the heterosexuals in New York City based performance art company AnimalParts' latest mind-bending theatrical offering, REVENGE OF THE POPINJAY. This multi-media, high-octane, one-man show serves as a follow-up to the award-winning TENDERPITS. But, you don't have to know what happens in TENDERPITS to enjoy the new show. With a bold sense of humor and a deeply intellectual aesthetic, REVENGE OF THE POPINJAY, a not for the faint of heart experimental rap-horror show, takes audiences on a wild ride through the chaos of string theory while pristinely satirizing homophobia.
Written and performed by Anthony Johnston, REVENGE OF THE POPINJAY introduces audiences to a timid version of Anthony as he welcomes the audience to the production. With clipboard in hand, he recites the new regulations of New York City's curfews in the wake of rising bizarre and brutal heterophobic violence. Then he launches into a discourse of string theory and how every imaginable thing is happening concurrently in an infinite number of parallel universes, setting the stage for the audaciously wild, raucous tale he shares. In some universes Anthony's sister still lives and they dance the night away at a gay bar that's hosting a 90s night. In other universes, Anthony meets another a tall, muscular Anthony ("Other Anthony") who is a surgeon, and they become a couple. In one universe "Other Anthony" takes Anthony to see an in-your-face, underground rap show, where Popinjay raps about sadistically killing the straights with lyrics that eerily mirror the violence occurring against heterosexuals. In all the universes, Anthony Johnston creates intriguing characters that range from average to bizarre, mild to insane, tangibly real and relatable to metaphorically and metaphysically animal and feral.
Co-creator Nathan Schwartz directs REVENGE OF THE POPINJAY. With the witty and keenly convoluted text, this undertaking must have been daunting at times. Yet, working with Anthony Johnston, he ensures that the performance and production is delivered seamlessly and keeps the audience entirely engrossed for the full 90 minutes. Moved to laughter (albeit sometimes its uncomfortable laughter, which is what they are going for) and through abstract terror and fear, Nathan Schwartz's direction allows Anthony Johnston's characters to meld with our own psyches and move us into the worlds he is creating.
Like any great performance art piece, in performance the seeds of thoughts are planted, but the gestation and growth that is derived from the meaning we ascribe to the art occurs after we leave the theatre and mull the work over. Most importantly, my takes on Anthony, "Other Anthony," Popinjay, the octopus metaphor, and why Anthony Johnston chose to incorporate what he calls "extreme heterophobia" in this work will most definitely be different than yours. Our experiences with the play will caress and utilize the different experiences we have had in our own lives to determine the meaty weight of the show and the significance of its sometimes brutal and graphic imagery. But, like me, you'll be entertained and in awe of the artistry and energy that goes into making an ambitious rap-horror elegy on the power of hate so incredibly effective, both mentally and emotionally.
You only have one more chance to catch a performance of the current run of REVENGE OF THE POPINJAY. The shows plays its final performance at The Brick, 579 Metropolitan Avenue, Brooklyn, New York tonight at 8:00 p.m. Take the L to Lorimer or the G to Metropolitan and do not miss this avant-garde spectacle. Anthony Johnston and Nathan Schwartz deliver a risk well taken, and offer an experience that you simply have to see to believe.
For tickets and more information please visit You can also visit Also, don't forget to follow AnimalParts on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.
Anthony Johnston. Photo by Jordan Tannahill.
Anthony Johnston. Photo by Jordan Tannahill.
Anthony Johnston. Photo by Jordan Tannahill.
Anthony Johnston. Photo by Jordan Tannahill.
Anthony Johnston. Photo by Jordan Tannahill.
Anthony Johnston. Photo by Jordan Tannahill.
Anthony Johnston. Photo by Lily Jamali.