Tonight is the night that everyone is dreading - eliminations. Tonight, two people from each team will go home, leaving each team with three contestants. Who will make it to the Top 12? Let's find out.
Team Blake sang "Free Ride," the highlight of the performance for me was when we saw Austin and Cole playing with the band. America saved Austin Jenkles and Cole Vosbury, and they're onto the next round. This leaves Shelbie Z, Ray Bourdeaux, and Nic Hawk. Blake talked about the fact that he was going to save the person he's feels he will have the most success with and be able to change the most. After an incredibly difficult decision, he saves Ray Boudreaux, eliminating Shelbie Z and Nic Hawk. Personally I'm a bit upset, because I enjoyed Shelbie's performance, and I wonder how Blake will fare without a woman on his team. Nic Hawk, unfortunately, seemed like he would have been a better fit for Team CeeLo, and maybe he would have lasted longer on a different team.
Team CeeLo's team was up next, with a group performance of "Give A Little Bit." This performance showcased CeeLo's team full of powerhouse female vocals, and Jonny Gray, who brings them all together with his soulful singing and guitar. After a brief recap of last night, we go to who will be eliminated. The first person saved was Caroline Pennell, and the other person saved Jonny Gray. This leaves CeeLo with Amber Nicole, Kat Robichaud, and Tamara Chauniece for CeeLo to pick from to go on. After wishing the three of them on a wonderful journey beyond the show, he chooses Kat Robichaud. Both Amber Nicole and Tamara Chauniece thanked him and left with their heads high. I'm surprised at this choice, but both Amber and Tamara are amazing and will have a future career!
Team Xtina was up next, with a group performance that honored Coach Adam Levine by singing "Love Somebody". America saved Jacquie Lee and Matthew Schuler. This left her with the decision between Stephanie Anne Johnson, Olivia Henken, and Josh Logan. After Christina wished them well and promised that they would stay in touch, Christina decided the person that she could help most was Josh Logan, sending Stephanie Anne Johnson and Olivia Henken home. Hopefully with the experience they gained with someone as amazing Christina as their coach, they'll be able to have a career after The Voice.
Team Adam was last, with a group performance singing "Safe and Sound" by Capital Cities. James Wolpert is the first save, as well as Tessanne Chin. That left Grey, Will Champlin, and Preston Pohl in the bottom three. Adam, unfortunately, was run very short by the credits and he made his choice at he stroke of nine: he chose Will Champlin to advance to the Top 12. Unfortunately, this sent Grey and Preston home. I'm a bit sad because Grey has been a favorite since the blinds, but I know that she and Preston will have amazing careers.
This leaves the teams with the following.
Team Adam: James Wolpert, Tessanne Chin, and Will Champlin
Team Xtina: Jacquie Lee, Matthew Schuler, and Josh Logan
Team CeeLo: Jonny Gray, Caroline Pennell, and Kat Robichaud
Team Blake: Austin Jenckles, Cole Vosbury, and Ray Bourdeaux