We want to hear from you! Submit your response to our daily #BWWPrompts, where each day we'll be asking our readers on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram questions to spark some theater conversation.
Read some of our reader's answers below!
"Plant Talks & Eats People." @JamesMIglehart
"There's no place like home. #InTheHeights" @MikeNoland
"Carb stealing leads to misery." @mzerjal
"Teenagers are sad and horny." @paigeriley_c
"Choose your barber very carefully." @ed_traffton
"Pies aid with emotional trauma." @artfanatictastic
"It's not easy being green." @kathopk
"Guy has six wives - mistake." @sphiabrazda
"Automatic, systematic, hydromatic, greased lightning!" @yangthefakecat
"Wait - what's a Jellicle cat?" @rockytheturkeyking
"Old ladies fund surprise hit." Bo White
"Orphan irritates people, gets shot." Laura Travis
"Canadians are nice to people." Bekah Walsh
"Practically perfect in every way. " Sian Smith
"Children prove unionizing solves problems." Amanda Ozment