Your fitness doesn't have to hit PAUSE, so we're teaming up with Mark Fisher Fitness to offer you a bodyweight workout to get your fitness fix! Mark Fisher Fitness's Steward of Strength Harold Gibbons is here to show you a you a bodyweight workout to get your fitness fix. Today we have a minimalist workout for some metabolic mayhem!
Take 3-4 minutes for a quick warm-up to get prepared: Belly Lift Breathing for 60 seconds helps us set our intentions for the workout and reset our nervous system - it's like the calm before the storm.Then, the Spiderman Lunge helps you stretch your legs, hips, and shoulders, while the Hemingway Shuffle helps loosen the adductor muscles.
Now, it's time for a minimalist but meaningful workout that uses three moves:
Squats (Use weight if you have them, or bodyweight as appropriate!)
Alternating Toe-Tap Push-Ups (or push-up of choice!)
Alternating Lateral Lunge (or Alternating Reverse Lunge)
These three moves will hit all of the muscles in your body for a fantastic fitness effect. Here are three different formats that I recommend:
30 seconds of work, 30 seconds of rest.
40 seconds of work, 30 seconds of rest.
10 reps every minute on the minute. (This could be 20-50 seconds of work depending on your tempo.
You can do as many rounds of those three moves as you want, but 15-30 minutes of this should be a great mood and fitness booster. These three moves, moving with urgency, will elevate your heart rate a surprising amount! For more online fitness shenanigans from the crew at @mffclubhouse, visit