While the entire world is in the process of shutting down, many people are trying to figure out what to do to maintain an exercise practice and be physically active while sheltering in place. Your fitness doesn't have to hit PAUSE, so we're teaming up with Mark Fisher Fitness and Harold Gibbons to offer you a series of daily stretches and daily activity, called the #MobilityMinute.
To start, Harold's going to teach us the Spiderman Lunge to help keep your shoulders supple and your hip flexors happy. Set a timer and do 3-5 of these at the top of each hour to help stay loose and limber while working from home.
What happens when you're stuck inside and you want to move your body in more meaningful ways?
Also, Mark Fisher Fitness' Amanda Wheeler has built a brand-new online training platform called #MFFHomebody with live, virtual MFF classes, so you can have the support of MFF from the comfort of your own highly-sanitized home. CLICK HERE for more information.