Mark Fisher Fitness's Steward of Strength Harold Gibbons is here to show you a movement mindfulness game you can play with yourself for a 60 second (or more!) pick me up.
The idea behind "Slow Stairs" is pretty simple - find a flight of stairs and climb up it as slowly as you can, or even slower than you think you can! If you've been playing around with our #MobilityMinute, you'll connect this to another shifting and sitting exercise - the Wiggle Butt! Just like the Wiggle Butt, we're going to focus on shifting into one hip, which gently stretch the outer glute muscles while turning on the inner thigh muscles, and reaching with the opposite arm, which turns on your abs, obliques, and serratus. Slow Stairs turns those hip mechanics into a game that you can play with yourself. Once you've developed control and built confidence moving slowly, go even slower to get in touch with the sensations of your lower body, create desirable tension in hip and leg muscles, and practice balance and grace.
When I started doing this a few weeks ago, anything slower than 30 seconds had me tipping over and wobbling like crazy, but now as I've practiced shifting my hips and ribs, I've slowed it down to 60 seconds or more!
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