Today we are talking to a two-time Tony Award-winning star of stage and screen who is recognized around the world for her many notable film and television appearances in addition to a lifetime in the theatre, as well - the elegant and charming Swoosie Kurtz. As part of discussing some of the most compelling theatre-related stories in her fascinating and extensive new memoir PART SWAN, PART GOOSE, Kurtz sheds new light on her legendary collaboration with iconic director and choreographer Michael Bennett on his final and heretofore unseen musical project, SCANDAL, as well as looks back at her onstage collaboration with Marvin Hamlisch and Nora Ephron on the play with music IMAGINARY FRIENDS, co-starring Cherry Jones, in 2002 - plus much, much more!
More information about Swoosie Kurtz's PART SWAN, PART GOOSE is available at the official site here. Recalling her first memory of Michael Bennett, Kurtz shares, "When we first met, he reminded me that he had seen me in some play that he had done downtown about Eleanor Duse or something - that was all that he had seen me done up until that point. He had never seen any of my 'greatest hits' or anything. I don't even know how he thought of me for this project he was beginning work on at the time called SCANDAL. But, anyway, we used to have these registries in New York and people would call and leave you a message and then you would call in when you got home and check for messages. So, one day, I checked and they said, 'Mike Bennett left a message for you to call him.' I thought, 'Mike Bennett? I don't know a Mike'. Eventually, I would call him Mikey, but he left the message as Mike. So, he invited me to come and do a reading for something - he said, 'It's going to be my next musical. James Webb is doing the music and Treva Silverman is doing the book.' At that point, it was actually a play with music - the music was more incidental than it ended up being. So, he had Treat Williams, me and this vision - Claudia, my character, would have these elaborate sexual fantasies that would each become a big, fabulously staged production number. He described the whole show to me on the phone - the whole story about this woman leaving her husband and going to Europe and having these various sexual liaisons; and, every single one became a production number. So, we ended up having many more conversations like that over the phone - usually after midnight. That's how I first became involved in SCANDAL. Also, people at the time felt that it would be the best thing that he had ever done - people who really knew him and knew everything that he had done. I remember Barbara Eden, who worked with him on many things, said to me, 'This is the best thing he has ever done.' I remember at the end of the first day of rehearsals not long after that first phone conversation he called me and said to me, 'Honey, the reviews are in and you are a hit!' It was absolutely amazing to be a part of it."Photo Credits: Lawrence K. Ho, etc.