Alright guys, real talk. There's a certain cast member who needs to be called out. She's a diva. She's inappropriate. She's basically a nightmare with a wig. Here's a little backstory, the adorable Jonah Verdon who is thirteen plays twins Ben and Lisa but sometimes he has an adult stand in, enter thirty-six year old Lanolin Lupone. She says she's distantly related to Patti but she's a dirty liar so it's probably not true...Anyway, we've had enough of her inappropriate behavior backstage so I'm here to let the world know that she's the worst! Here's the Disaster! cast and crew's photo diary/plea to equity to kick her out of the union:
She's always hogging the bathroom. Robb Sapp was waiting for like 15 minutes...
When Seth Rudetsky tried to talk to her about it, she got violent and tried to drown him.
She's one of those girls who just needs ALL of the male attention, and if she doesn't get it, she gets a little too hands-y, especially with Matt Farcher.
She's in the throws of an intense showmance with Paul Castree. The PDA...I can't. I barf.
She can't stand sharing the stage with a child and tortures Jonah Verdon constantly.
She insisted Jennifer Simard try her "signature facial" and gave her some crazy beauty tip..
Our stage manager, Jeff Davolt, tried to take a selfie with Lanolin. She was having none of it!
She refuses to take notes from our associate choreographer, Drew Geraci.
She hid under the counter and tripped me when I was crossing backstage!
We've tried to warn our newest cast member, Stacey Oristano, about Lanolin's shady ways. Poor Stacey...She'll learn...