So that's it. We not only opened and closed our last mainstage show, The Gala Celebration, but our guest artists have all packed and left. And even though I thought I would enjoy writing about these final moments of the summer season, I didn't expect it to be so difficult.
How do you write about how so many of the artists in this last show made you marvel and reconnect to your own emotions? A nice touch that added dimension to the Gala Concert as a whole was the fact that personal stories were sometimes shared by performers which created an emotional context for the numbers that they performed. One-legged tapper Evan Ruggiero and THE BOOK OF MORMON'S Scott Barnhardt tapped and sang to a jazzy version of "This Is the Moment" after sharing the story of how they just missed meeting each other last year after years of correspondence and trying to find the opportunity to dance together. And Artistic Director, Amy Miller, sang, "A Way Back to Then" after explaining how the song paralleled her own life and how Transcendence Theatre Company got its name from the feeling she felt when she would lose herself in dance. Anyone who was in the ruins on those evenings could feel that they were a part of something special.
And how do I even begin to describe the magic that erupted at "Imagine," which was the final artist series of the summer? On a mountainside in Santa Rosa and with a jaw-dropping vista, the evening was already enchanted. But then the night unfolded. For the first time ever, Transcendence presented a concert of all new music from a handful of singer songwriters as well as familiar songs that had been newly reimagined. I felt lucky not to be a performer in this show because I had the opportunity to bask in the genius that was the evening. Each set of songs introduced by their writers were all unique in tone and structure with some of them being premiere performances. There was a palpable energy in the air and I left the concert buzzing with inspiration.
But if I could find a way to put it into words I would attempt to discuss the appreciation dinners the Transcendence Theatre Company held for all of this season's donors and volunteers. If only I could express how full of gratitude these dinners actually made me feel. As an attendee and performer I truly got to see firsthand just how many people there are who are willing to help Transcendence out in any way that they can. And I realized that without this network of supporters we wouldn't even be able to exist at all. As a performer, we usually go into a job with the mindset that for X-amount of work, you receive Y-amount of payment. You do your show or concert, get your paycheck(s), and hopefully jump to the next gig. But to stop in think about the system and community of people that must be established in order for all of that to happen is whole new way of thinking. And to shake the hand of each person who was willing to donate their time, resources, or money in order for the arts to continue at Transcendence made me appreciate my job even more.
So I've decided that I just won't try to write about anything. But I will let the other Resident Artists, and this summer's Blog contributors, say their final thoughts instead:
Rachel Louise Thomas:
Dearest readers of the Blog, many thanks. Getting to be a guest blogger has been a dream come to life. I've always had a knack for writing, but I was too self-conscious and shy to start my own blog or anything like that. But this summer, the opportunity was actively happening and I had to take it by the boot straps. I am so grateful for the opportunity, and I will continue to discover the play in writing! And to wrap my send-off to you in a purty pink bow, sealed with a hug and a smooch-May all your dreams come true. May you dream in bright colors of a world you long to live in. And may you work toward that "other worldly" vision coming to life-in whatever form you Wish! "If you dream it, you can do it."-Walt Disney
There have been so many well lived days packed into this summer that I feel like I have lived three lifetimes, I am leaving this season empowered, inspired, grateful, and very much in love with life, with Sonoma, and the memories that have been made. "bestlifeever #sonHOMEa
Shannon O'Bryan:
An enormous bundle of gratitude goes out to all of the Superheroes of Sonoma and the Peace Warriors of the Rainbow at Transcendence for providing me with the Best Summer EVER! I am so proud to say that I am now a full-time Sonoma resident and beyond excited for all of the adventures to come in this magical land. See you soon, friends!
Love. Light. Shanti.
NIck Dalton:
To quote Moises Kaufman "the use of theatrical imagination is what will keep us alive." So keep imagining oh Imagineers, until we meet again on this bumpy road to love. Namaste, now-must-go.
If you know me then you know I hate goodbyes. But I do say "until next time," because you never know who will return into your life or what's out there to look forward to. But here's my secret. I already have a few things I'm looking forward to and its the growth and future of Transcendence Theatre Company. With portions of each ticket sale going to support Jack London State Park, we were able to raise roughly $70,000 for the park this season alone (over $187,000 total for all of the seasons combined)! So I look forward to seeing how much more we can do for our State Parks. I look forward to witnessing and being a part of even more original works coming from Transcendence Theatre Company. And I am eager to get started conceiving and Directing Transcendence's first ever Holiday Show, "Joy To The World," which will be at Santa Rosa's Well's Fargo Center December 4th and 5th.
And although this is the last blog highlighting the Transcendence 2015 Summer Season, I look forward to having you continue your journey with us at the Transcendence Theatre Company: www.BestNightEver.org. So instead of goodbye, I say to you,"until next time.' And until then, may every day be the Best Day Ever!
Eric Jackson as _Wilber & Gertrude_.JPG" width="450" />
Molly Booth and Eric Jackson
Imagine Company
Gala Company
Entrance into the theater
Cast Members at Gala Tech
Broadway Under the Stars Theater