Can You Hear the Sound of Hysteria?
Guys. We're just over a week away from opening... WHAT?! The last month has gone by SO FAST. Over the last two weeks, our team has been creating our Jingletown from the ground up - literally. Most all of the graffiti are on the walls, our 7-Eleven is lit up and our beers, bongs and booze are all in their correct positions! They have built our stages and in doing so, have helped us create these characters lives. One couch serves as the best and worst times in Will's life, one mattress holds Johnny and Whatsername's entire love story, one table is Tunny's life-altering hospital bed and one town that changes completely from the beginning of the show to the end.
We also started to get all the audio sounding killer with the mics and our sick band (led by our brilliant MD, Elmo Zapp), I can safely say, we are doing these songs justice! Next week is when the real magic happens - when the lights come up on Jingletown!
Everyone's been working hard to perfect all the choreography, (led by our fearless co-director/choreographer Jen Oundjian) every moment between the characters and every note and harmony with the right intention and energy leading. We have been running the show over and over and over and over... and over again so by the time the first chord rings out on opening night, all we'll need to do are let our hearts bring these stories to life and everything we've been working so hard for, will fall into place.
I can't wait for opening!!!!!
(Part) of where our insurgency will rise: The Vortex
Okay, sometimes rehearsals are long and we get a little sleepy…
But most times we’re like this…