Celebrate gray matter at BRAINFest! Learn how your brain thinks, processes sensory information, and perceives the world around you. Have fun improving your memory, confusing your senses, and testing your abilities through various games, puzzles, and other interactive activities for the entire family. Highlights include:
· The Future Brain: Catch a glimpse of future technology. Meet Wakamaru, a robot that talks. Try robotic instruments that send musical messages through a slinky and slime. Witness and control emergency rescue robots in action!
· In The Lab: How do scientists study the brain? View and compare the brains of different kinds of animals, learn about how genes work in the brain, and look at neurons under a microscope.
· Brain in Motion: How good is your coordination? By playing ping-pong, you will learn how the eyes and hands work together using messages sent from the brain.
· Build-A-Brain: Do you know the different parts of your brain? Do you know what they do? Check out 3D brain puzzles and models to learn which parts of your brain you share with lizards and which parts make you human.
· Trick Your Senses: Learn how your brain affects your senses through a variety of fun optical illusions and exercises using everyday items, including gumdrops and paper clips.
· Memory and Learning: How does the brain learn? How does memory help or hinder what you think, feel, and see? Try your hand at memory games and see how your brain influences decision-making.
Brain: The Inside Story is organized by the American Museum of Natural History, New York, (www.amnh.org) in collaboration with Codice. Idee per la cultura, Torino, Italy in association with Comune di Milano - Assessorato Cultura, Italy; Guangdong Science Center, Guangzhou, China; and Parque de las Ciencias, Granada, Spain.
Generous support for Brain: The Inside Story has been provided by the Eileen P. Bernard Exhibition Fund, Virginia Hearst Randt and Dana Randt, The Mortimer D. Sackler Foundation, Inc., and Mary and David Solomon. Additional support for the Brain: The Inside Story and its related educational programming has been provided by Roche.
WHEN Saturday, January 15, 1-5 pm
WHERE American Museum of Natural History
Milstein Hall of Ocean Life, first floor
ADMISSIONFree with Museum admission