Universal Pictures Stage Productions, Working Title Films and Old Vic Productions in association with Weinstein Live Entertainment announced today that Joseph Harrington will join the cast of the 10-time Tony Award-winning Billy Elliot the Musical, in the role of 'Billy.' Harrington will become the tenth 'Billy' to perform on Broadway. His first performance date will be announced soon.
Joseph Harrington (Billy): Hi, my name is Joseph Harrington. I am eleven years old and my hometown is Cincinnati, Ohio. I moved here about a year ago to attend "Billy" camp and to continue my ballet training at Manhattan Youth Ballet. I started dance lessons at age 3 and joined my sister on the Just Off Broadway competition team in Mt. Carmel, Ohio at age 5. When home, I train with the "Just Off Broadway Dance Studio" and with Cincinnati Ballet. I am a student at the School for Creative and Performing Arts in downtown Cincinnati. I actually made my Broadway debut in How the Grinch Stole Christmas when I was 8 and performed as the "Young Boy" in the Radio City Christmas Spectacular in Nashville the following year. I have danced in the Nutcracker and Peter Pan with Cincinnati Ballet and have won numerous dance scholarships and awards over the last several years. Most recently I was a dancer in the "Mega Music Festival" on Nickelodeon and starred in the DVD "The Boy Ballet Dancer" with Finis Jhung. Many people ask me what my favorite type of dance is, but I have a hard time answering because I love it all!! I would like to thank all of my "Billy Camp" trainers Finis, Hector, Sara, Alison and Mary for their support, encouragement, and expertise over the past year. (I finally made it!!) I would also like to thank all of my hometown dance teachers especially Dawn and Kathy Meyer. You guys are incredible!! Lastly, I would like to thank my big sister Allix for being my inspiration and idol, my duet partner and best friend Jordan Betscher who I know I can always lean on, and my whole family for putting up with all the craziness that happens because of me. I love you all and I am thrilled to be a Broadway "Billy!"