We all expect to grow and evolve emotionally, intellectually, professionally, but not sexually. Sexuality is seen as immutable, and we're expected to lock ours sexual selves in a room with one other person and throw away the key. Forever.
There are very few narratives out there which discuss the need for sexual growth and fluidity within a long-term relationship. BHF+M does just that. After a lifetime of struggle, Marco finally comes to accept the fact that he is bisexual, with needs which transcend his monogamous marriage of 15 years.
With two teenaged kids and his entire life on the line, Marco comes clean to his wife. It takes an exceptional woman to accept this kind of revelation from her husband - and then to admit that she too wants more: from life, her partner, her marriage, herself.
Conventional wisdom dictates that consensual non-monogamy is the ultimate marital risk. It's certainly not a recipe for success. Or is it? Mark takes us on a personal, erotic, and at times humorous journey through the couple's decision to leave their old marriage behind, and the ensuing changes they make to accommodate both of their evolving emotional and sexual needs.
The counter-intuitive discoveries they make along the way lead the couple to question assumptions about the nature of intimacy, authenticity, and what it means to love another. You may very well find yourself questioning these assumptions after seeing it. Be ready.
BHF+M headlined at the BECAUSE Conference in Minneapolis in June 2014, where it received a rousing response. During the Queer Arts Festival in Vancouver July 2013 it was the "Critics Choice" for theatre in the National paper -The Globe and Mail. The raw honesty of this play is the reason for its appeal: queer, straight, old, young, married, divorced and single, reactions are overwhelmingly positive.
Mark Bentley Cohen-Writer/Performer is multi-faceted communications professional with over 25 years of diverse experience. He's a published writer, author of two screenplays, a novel on the way, former CBC radio columnist, workshop facilitator, life coach, and outdoor enthusiast.
Lianna Walden-Producer, Mark's life partner, has been involved in TV, film and theatre for over 25 years, working with international and national productions. She is also a Sex and Relationship Coach. She is drawn towards provocative, boundary-pushing stories and is passionate about BHF&M, a personal story she feels needs to be heard.
Together they offer workshops about non-monogamy and sexual roleplay. They host meet- up groups for couples exploring sex and intimacy as well as present seminars on the "Law of Attraction". In the Spring 2015 they will be launching a non-profit organization "The Centre for Sex and Sexuality".
The FRIGID Festival will present BI, HUNG, FIT...AND MARRIED at the Kraine Theater, located at 85 East 4th Street, New York, NY. Opening Night: Friday, 20 Feb - 8:50pm. Five shows: Mon, 23 Feb-5:30pm | Sun, 1 Mar-5:10pm | Mon, 2 Mar-8:50pm | Thurs, 5 Mar-7:10pm | Sat, 7 Mar-3:20pm. Tickets and full details: www.FRIGIDnewyork.info. Tickets: $15 general | $10 students/ bisexuals. Rated NC-17 | ages 18+ | Sexual language. For more information, visit bihungfit.ca.